At Paeroa College, we are focused on developing each student as a whole person, providing them with a sense of belonging, a purpose and place to call their own. We are a family-centred school and cater to the individual learning needs of all of our students.
We are proud to offer our students a huge variety of learning opportunities both in and out of the classroom. Growing leadership potential within our students occurs at all year levels. We have an intentional emphasis on Outdoor Education and Leadership. These are essential aspects of our vision and camps to develop these skills occur at every year level for all students.
We have a huge range of sporting activities, ski trips, overseas sports and study tours. We believe in the value of sport to supplement the in-class curriculum. As such, we offer a wide variety of sporting and recreational activities designed to involve and challenge our students. Students who take advantage of these opportunities find school life enriched, are more engaged with school and are better prepared for adult life. Teams and individual students continue to succeed at Regional, National and International level. We are proud of the many achievements, and the level of participation by our students. We enjoy celebrating the success of our students and encourage them to continually push themselves to achieve more than they think they are capable of.
Students at Paeroa College can choose from a variety of sports and physical activities.
We currently offer the following:
Badminton, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Netball, Rugby (Girls and Boys), Softball, Squash, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Golf, Swimming, Touch Rugby, MotoX, Triathlon & Athletics,
We have excellent facilities including a large gymnasium, excellent sporting grounds and a fully equipped weight training facility.
We are very proud of the regional and national success our students have each year.
Please click HERE to go to the Paeroa College Strategic Sport Plan.